If you need to declare bankruptcy you might be concerned about what costs you may incur. What your bankruptcy will cost will depend on whether you are liable to pay statutory income contributions or if you wish to appoint a private registered trustee to administer your estate.
In Australia, you have 2 choices.
1st choice – appoint AFSA (the official trustee)
You can appoint the Official Trustee which is the default trustee service provided by the government trustee. AFSA (Australia Financial Security Authority) acts as the official trustee (or the government trustee). If you are not liable to pay income contributions and you have no assets which can be sold by the Bankruptcy Trustee, then you will not have to pay for your bankruptcy.
2nd Choice – appoint a Private Registered Trustee
By choice you can appoint a registered trustee in private practice. A registered trustee is a person who holds the suitable qualifications (like a degree in accounting and is also usually a CPA or Chartered Accountant ). A person who holds these qualifications and has experience in bankruptcy appointments needs to be registered with AFSA. AFSA also carry out regular inspections to ensure that minimum service standards are being achieved.
At Australian Bankruptcy Services, we have a Registered Trustee on site and we offer the service from $80 per week. If you are interested in exploring the benefits of appointing a registered trustee then call us now on 1800 462 767.
If you cannot afford $80 per week but you would like help with completing your bankruptcy application, we also offer this service for a once off fee starting from $400.
Our prices
We aim to make our prices are affordable as possible, and as such our bankruptcy form service is the cheapest advertised fee.
If you need bankruptcy help, but are not sure if you can afford these fees, please give us a call. We will try to help you, and are happy to provide free phone advice to people with serious debt problems.
To speak to a bankruptcy expert today, call us on1800 462 767 or send us a request using the form to the right hand side of the screen.