Category: Before Bankruptcy

Personal Bankruptcy

Personal bankruptcy is never a decision that is to be taken lightly. It is almost always the very last resort for someone in financial distress. Typically people facing personal bankruptcy struggle to sleep at night with the thought of unpaid bills weighing on their mind. The pressure usually mounts from the constant phone calls from creditors and the bill reminders


How do I go bankrupt

Are you thinking about declaring bankruptcy but have some questions about how you go about it? We can help. Before going bankrupt, it is important that you consider many factors, including if it is right for you, whether it will be successful, or if there are other options available for you to tackle your debt problems. If you do decide


How a creditor can make you Bankrupt?

People often wonder if a creditor can force them into bankruptcy. The short answer is yes but, like most of the procedures and laws surrounding bankruptcy and insolvency, the full answer is a bit more complicated. A creditor can only force someone into bankruptcy by applying to the Court. The Court will look at the request made by the creditor


Don’t be embarrassed to talk about bankruptcy

Don’t be embarrassed to talk about bankruptcy. At the Australian Bankruptcy Service, we speak to many people about their financial problems. One of the common things we hear people say is that they were too embarrassed to talk about their situation. This is understandable. For most of life’s problems, talking to friends and family is more comfortable. But when it


Declaring yourself bankrupt – is it worth saving the extra money

The decision to declare bankruptcy is a very personal one. Not only does it affect everyone differently, but everyone has very different feelings about it. Depending on your circumstances, it could either be something that should be avoided if possible, or a prudent financial decision. The first thing to consider is whether or not declaring Bankruptcy would have any tangible


Consider the effects of bankruptcy on job prospects

When considering bankruptcy , there are two main concerns that one needs to consider. The first is whether there are any assets that could be sold during the bankruptcy, such as your house or your motor vehicle. The second is whether it can affect your means of earning a living. For the majority of people, this second concern is of


Can I be made personally bankruptcy by business debts

Many people we speak to here at the Australian Bankruptcy Service have found themselves in financial trouble due to unpaid business debts. If you have or had a business and you have become personally liable for any debts of the business, then we recommend that you read this post very carefully. Becoming personally liable for a business debt can be


Becoming Bankrupt in Australia by way of a Debtor’s Petition

You can become bankrupt in Australia several ways, either Voluntary by filing a debtor’s petition with AFSA; or The court can declare you bankrupt which is known as a creditor’s petition   Voluntary bankruptcy application – debtor’s petition You can file a voluntary bankruptcy application with the Official Receiver at AFSA. This method is known as a Debtors’ Petition. In


Becoming Bankrupt in Australia by way of a Creditor’s Petition

You can become bankrupt in Australia several ways, either you can file for bankruptcy voluntarily and file a debtor’s petition or you can be made bankrupt by the Court which is known as a creditor’s petition. Court Bankruptcy – creditor’s petition You can be made bankrupt by the bankruptcy court if a creditor files a creditors’ petition. A creditor can


Be careful when choosing a Bankruptcy Trustee

Becoming a Bankrupt person, whether ofyour own choosing or not, is never a pleasant experience. Even if it is the best option for you and can actually improve your day-to-day life, the social stigma of Bankruptcy is felt very keenly by many people. It is desirable, then, for the process to go as smoothly as possible, and choosing the right





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