Anthony Warner

Will declaring bankruptcy offer me a clean slate?

One appealing reason that people would file for bankruptcy is the possibility of a clean slate. However, whilst bankruptcy does offer some people a chance to start afresh after bankruptcy in regards to their financial situation, it is important to be aware that not all debt is dischargeable, though it does make the debts easier to manage. The debts that


Nathan Tinkler: From Billionaire to Bankrupt

It’s been a tough road for Nathan Tinkler, who at the age of 35, was declared Australia’s youngest billionaire. Just over 5 years later, a week after his 40th birthday, Justice Jacqueline Gleeson officially declared Mr Tinkler bankrupt. This court ruling came over a dispute of a $2.8 million shortfall from the sale of his private, luxury jet to GE


How to rebuild your life after bankruptcy

At times, it can feel as though there is no end to the bankruptcy nightmare and is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is an incredibly stressful and emotional time where people often cannot imagine how he or she will be able to rebuild their lives again after bankruptcy. But it can be done.


Your Bankruptcy Options – Before, During and After Bankruptcy

Making the decision to declare bankruptcy, completing the filing process and recovering afterwards are three stages that many Australians struggle with in their journey to overcome their financial troubles. There are many options to consider and choose between prior to, during and after bankruptcy, and they can appear complex to those who don’t have the insights of a professional, experienced


A Bankruptcy Trustee’s Advice: Pay Off Your Bad Debts First

With the cost of living in Australia steadily rising each year, it comes as no surprise that a large proportion of Australians are struggling with their debts and finances. Recent numbers by Mortgage Choice revealed that over half of Australians reported that they felt either “very worried” or “concerned” about their current financial situation in 2015. The percentage of Australians


Do My Debts Disappear after I Become Bankrupt?

A common question that we receive here at Australian Bankruptcy Services is: “What happens to my debts after I go bankrupt?” The short answer is that some debts will disappear, while others remain attached to your name. There are two types of debts: secured and unsecured debts. Do unsecured debts go away after bankruptcy? Filing for bankruptcy relieves you fully


How to Declare Bankruptcy in Australia

Bankruptcy laws in Australia have become increasingly complex over the years, leaving many perplexed about how to declare bankruptcy in Australia in a way that is compliant with the law. Australian Bankruptcy Services breaks down how to declare bankruptcy into three simple and clear steps: The first step is choosing your Bankruptcy Trustee. You have the option of either allowing


Need Help Completing Bankruptcy Forms Correctly? Get Help Today!

The process offormally declaring bankruptcy can be a daunting and complex one.Once you have made the decision to declare yourself bankrupt and chosen a Bankruptcy Trustee, you will need to begin the bankruptcy form application and lodgement process. The required bankruptcy forms consist of: A Debtors Petition. This is a form that expresses your need to declare bankruptcy. A Statement


Why Saving May be More Harmful than Good in 2016

As the holiday period comes to an end, thousands of Australians find themselves low on funds and riddled with debt. Financial experts are encouraging Aussie debtors to focus on remaking repayments as soon as they can in the New Year, rather than making efforts to save money for the future. The numbers and facts: Australian household debt has reached an


Silver tinsel on the tree – Check ✓ But where’s the silver lining for those in debt?

Bankruptcy and debts are two things that everyone hopes to avoid through life, particularly during the festive season. For those in debt, silver decorations and ornaments may be easy to spot during Christmas – but the silver lining can be much more difficult to see. While some individuals incur their own financial difficulties, many are struck with unexpected loss of





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