Are you thinking about declaring bankruptcy but have some questions about how you go about it? We can help.
Before going bankrupt, it is important that you consider many factors, including if it is right for you, whether it will be successful, or if there are other options available for you to tackle your debt problems.
If you do decide to go bankrupt, the first thing you need to do is complete the bankruptcy forms.
Here at the Australian Bankruptcy Service we can help you complete and lodge these forms for a fee starting from $600 – so we take care of all the stress and hassle for you.
It is important that these forms are filled in accurately and completely. Completing these forms incorrectly can lead to a disastrous outcome including the extension of your bankruptcy from the usual 3 year period. Learn more about how a professional form completing service is important.
Once your forms are completed and signed, you will need to lodge them with AFSA. Before you lodge your forms you have 2 choices to consider:
1. You can appoint the government trustee at AFSA (or officially known as the Office Trustee),
to manage your bankruptcy; or
2. You can appoint a privately registered trustee. Here at the Australian Bankruptcy Service we have a registered trustee on site who can manage your bankruptcy privately. To help you pay for this service we have reduced it to a low weekly fee (starting from $80 per week (on a voluntary basis)). This means you can speak to the very person who will be looking after you during the course of your bankruptcy, and ask any questions you may have before committing to bankruptcy. To learn more about our bankruptcy trustee service, click here.
Once the forms have been lodged with AFA, they will need to be reviewed by the official receiver at AFSA. It is the role of the official receiver to approve or deny the petition for bankruptcy.
If you have utilized our bankruptcy form filling service we will be able to make sure that you only submit forms that are going to be accepted.
If you are thinking about going bankrupt, advice from the Australian Bankruptcy Service is available on our toll free telephone line 24 hours everyday / 7 days a week on 1800 462 767.
All calls are free, entirely confidential and if required, anonymous.